Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Maestro Sralai - Koantam Ming Music Master

 Seng Norn
Maestro Sralai (serunai Khmer, Koantam Ming Music Master), Ling Srey, 83 - "There is no document written down. It's not like studying at school. IT ONLY EXISTS INSIDE THE BODY. So, you have to have it inside you." Another maestro of Koantam Ming Music,  said, "I won't let Koantam Ming Music dissapear in the future.

Ling Srey 

Sralai - sejenis alat tiupan yang menyamai sistem serunai 
Tanah Melayu dari segi pernafasan yang bersambung. (sumber - sini)
Moga-moga maestro serunai, gendang dan pemuzik tradisional di Tanah Melayu ini mendapat perhatian yang sewajarnya, amin.  


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